Four ATV Classes for Quad Racers at Yamaha Pro/Am State Championships and Glen Helen Raceway This Weekend!
Four ATV classes will be run in the Yamaha Pro/Am State Championship event, including beginner, novice, intermediate and expert classes.
The Pro/Am event will be split into a two-day format, with an overall champion for each class being decided on the second day.
Entry can be done online or at the track on race day. Camping space is available for attendees looking to stay the night.
San Bernardino, Calif. – December 8, 2010 – The 17th running of the Yamaha California State Championships at Glen Helen Raceway will also include beginner, novice, intermediate and expert ATV classes for all quad racers who want to get in on the excitement! Classes are open to all age groups and machines, so just pick your skill level and you’re ready to race!
Day one of the Yamaha Pro/Am event is a Grand Prix race on a specially designed track that makes use of nearly the entire Glen Helen Raceway facility. High speeds and an exciting course layout make the Pro/Am Grand Prix a perennial favorite with both racers and fans alike.
Day two pits racers against one another on the track that made Glen Helen famous, the world-class USGP course. Sunday’s race will be a traditional two-moto MX race, the results of which will be combined with the GP results to determine the Pro/Am champion in each class.
Racers can pre-enter online through, or sign up at the track on race day. Each entry covers both days of racing, and camping space is available for those looking to stay the night. Glen Helen Facebook fans can also bring a fan-only coupon for discounted gate fee, so bring your friends.
The weather promises to be great all weekend, so come out and have some fun at Glen Helen Raceway!