FPS Racing High Performance Radiators for ATV and UTV Applications
CLEVELAND, OHIO – 22 February 2013 – SuperTrapp Industries, Inc. (www.SuperTrapp.com) announced the release of their FPS Racing High Performance Radiators for off-road applications.
FPS Racing radiators (MSRP starts at $474.95) are constructed of high efficiency, brazed, aluminum cores. They allow for a significant increase in fluid capacity. Their direct fitment design makes installation easy. FPS Racing radiators reduce engine temperatures by up to 30%. These radiators are double the strength of OEM parts due to being TIG-welded for maximum strength. FPS Racing radiator prices are less than most OEMs and SuperTrapp Industries offers off-the-shelf availability of their FPS Racing High Performance Radiators. Available for various models of Arctic Cat, Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki and Yamaha ATV and UTV applications. FPS Racing Universal Shifter Kart Radiators are available for unique applications. Visit FPSRacing.com for specific applications and additional product information.
FPS Racing (www.FPSRacing.com) is a leading manufacturer of high performance radiators, oil coolers and accessories directed towards the off road dirt bike, ATV & UTV markets. They have a strong presence in the market and reputation for developing superior products both in performance and durability along with premier customer service.
Request or download an FPS Racing catalog by visiting www.FPSRacing.com. Become a fan of SuperTrapp Industries on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. For more information on SuperTrapp, Kerker and Jardine exhausts, JayBrake or FPS Racing products call 216-265-8400 or send an e-mail to FPSRacing@SuperTrapp.com.
For 42 years, SuperTrapp Industries, Inc. has been a leading manufacturer of performance exhaust products for motorcycle, ATV and automotive applications. In addition to their signature tunable disc diffuser exhaust systems, SuperTrapp manufactures the Kerker brand of exhaust systems, Road Legends Series, designed by master bike builder, Paul Yaffe and TC Racing exhausts, designed by master ATV engine builder, Tom Carlson. SuperTrapp also manufactures the JayBrake (www.jbrake.com) product line which includes forward foot controls, handlebar controls, foot pegs, grips, brake calipers, and other motorcycle accessories to fit Harley-Davidson and American V-Twin motorcycles as well as FPS Racing (www.FPSRacing.com) and manufactures high performance radiators, oil coolers and accessories directed towards the off road dirt bike, ATV & UTV markets. Made in the U.S.A.
Contact Info:
Kevin Berger Gina Pastuszynski
President Marketing Manager
SuperTrapp Industries, Inc. SuperTrapp Industries, Inc.
4540 W. 160th St. 4540 W. 160th St.
Cleveland, OH 44135 Cleveland, OH 44135
P: 216-265-8400 x. 120 P: 216-265-8400 x. 127
E: KBerger@SuperTrapp.com E: GinaP@SuperTrapp.com