Precision Racing Products Presents The Sierra Cross Country Series
This past weekend was the kick-off of the new West Coast cross country series, “The Precision Racing Products Sierra Cross County Series”. This first race was held at The Falling Waters Ranch in Grass Valley, CA. The weather was perfect with temperatures in the low 60’s. A light rain had fallen the day before the event started making track condition virtually perfect. The race site; Falling Waters Ranch is a gem in the Sierra foothills of Northern California. The waterfalls, pine trees, and natural elevation changes made this site perfect for cross country racing. This isn’t desert racing; this is cross country racing with tall trees, hill climbs, creeks, and tight technical turns. Most importantly, it is “family fun racing” with a good attitude, camping, a community bon fire, and a “race what you brung” style of racing.
The event started on Saturday with an open practice before the first Pee-Wee race. Since cross country racing is new to Northern California, and there were so many entrees new to racing, the race promoter, John Scott, felt an open practice would help riders become more comfortable with this type of racing. Saturday’s second race after the Pee-Wee racing was the open C class, over 30 C, youth under 16, open ladies, Moms, and Novice class. This race was won by a racer who registered
as one Sandy Bagger. “Sandy” was informed after the race the he would need to run in the B-class next race. The 60 minute race had lots of smiles and great sportsmanship, even to the racers who didn’t realize that they needed to let faster riders by. The third race was a Sportsman class race, mostly for racers that wanted to race both days. Sunday only had one race; it was for the expert riders, A-B riders, over 30 B, and under 24. This race had a blistering pace, just past the half way point Keith Carnalli was able to take the lead and hold it for the remainder of the
The SCCS crew did a fantastic job making a track that was technical, with hill climbs that were just steep enough to be challenging to a C rider but still fun for the A riders. The event ran smoothly with only minor delays. All the racers are looking forward to Round two at the 4C Ranch in Portola California, an old tree farm at 4000 feet above sea level which should make for another great race weekend.
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