SORRA Series Round 1 Race Report
The Sierra Off-Road Riding Association (SORRA) kicked off the 2013 race season at the Oasis MX track in Clearlake Oaks, CA. This was Round 1 of the series, which included XC racing on Saturday and MX racing on Sunday. The Oasis track was a mix of challenging motocross sections and miles of natural terrain, the perfect combination for our season opener.
The three Pee Wee classes started off the XC racing on Saturday morning. 1st place finishers were Kyler Thao, Joseph Borgess, and Jeremiah Evans. The Pee Wees were followed by the always competitive Ladies Wee class with a 1st place going to Kyleigh Stinson. The SORRA crew then took a few minutes to make necessary track changes, lengthening the track for the remaining XC races of the day.
The 45 minute Novice, Youth and Women’s race was up next. Novice winner was Giancarlo Ricci, Youth was Justin Semas and the Women’s class winner was Shannon Baier.
SORRA volunteers continued to work between races to keep the track watered and groomed.
The Open C and Over 40 C classes battled hard during their 60 minute race, with 1st place finishes for Open C John Wacht and Open 40 C Pete Antognazzi. Next up were the Expert, Open B and Over 40 A races. It was a battle for Expert racers, but Jason Vondracek pulled through for a 1st place win. Open B was won by Jarred Middlebrooks, and Open A was won by John Semas. Our little Mighty Mites finished up the day with quite an exciting spectator race!
Sunday kicked off SORRA’s first MX series. Track changes were made the night before, and watering continued throughout the day. The Pee Wee racers kicked off Moto 1 with some exciting motocross racing. Next up the Amateur MX racers Pete Antognazzi and Tanis Rangel battled hard, but Rangel held Antognazzi back for a 1st place finish.
Next up were the fast and furious Pro and A riders. Troy Barker dominated for a 1st place finish in the Pro MX class, while A rider Ed Teixeira worked his way up after a bad start to take 1st place.
After a break for track prep, Moto 2 started up with the Pee Wee MX races. Overall winners were Trevor Turner, Kyler Thao and Joseph Borgess. The competitive Amateur class was another battle for 1st. Trysten Cunha took the lead with Pete Antognazzi close behind. Overall 1st place went to Antognazzi.
The Pro and A class riders were next. Moto 2 for the A class was dominated by Ed Teixeira, who got the hole shot and kept his lead for an overall 1st place finish. Another domination by Troy Barker won him the overall 1st place for the Pro MX class.
Round 2 of the 2013 SORRA Race Series will be held at Chappie in Shasta, CA. Check out for full results and more information on the series.